Monday, June 8, 2009

Paint It Black!

Layla from The Lettered Cottage has given me inspiration to add literary quotes to my walls. She and her husband created this photo collection on the wall of their guest bedroom, and I immediately thought of framing literary quotes that I love in a similar fashion. This is a great way for me to put all of my unused frames to use.

Isn't it gorgeous?!?!? Amazing idea, guys. And thanks for the inspiration!

We were at WalMart the other night and I found some fabulous frames on clearance, but I was physically restrained with the argument that I’m not even using the ones that I have. Valid point. Husband – 1, Moi – 0. Poo.

He’s going to be sorry that he goaded me. ^_^ Also, I’ve been holding back on what I put on my walls because nothing matched. I have light wood, mahogany, black.... But you ladies have given me the confidence to paint those suckers and get them up there! A lot of our stuff from our wedding registry was black, so I’ll paint them to all match.

On a similar note, my thrift store mirror is going to join the party in sexy, glossy black! Here she is again in all of her inexpensive glory.

I’d be doing it all tonight, but hubby doesn’t work at the fam’s hardware store until Friday this week, and if I make my paint purchases at another store there’s a good chance that I’ll get 50 lashings with a garden weasel. My project will have to wait, but I’ll at least be getting the painter’s tape and newspaper in place in preparation. This will be my first spray paint experience, and I have a feeling that “once we go black....” you know how the saying goes. ;)

1 comment:

All the world's a stage! But for now, just type your soliloquy here.